In October of 2012, Lucas Oil Products announced the purchase of the Lucas Oil MLRA from Allen (Cowboy) and Harriett Chancellor. For sixteen years prior, both Harriett and Cowboy had been at the helm of the nation's second longest, continually operating, Dirt Late Model sanction.
"I've enjoyed it, we both have," commented Harriett on their time spent running the series. "Hopefully we've done it some good too. We really had to work at it year round. It isn't just a summer thing for us. We met a lot of fantastic people along the way too."
The Chancellors inherited a series void of a title sponsor following the 1996 season, and quickly brought on O'Reilly Auto Parts. Later they partnered with Lucas Oil Products, first as a presenting sponsor, then as the title sponsor for three seasons.
In April of 2014, Allen Chancellor passed away when he succumbed to a short illness. To honor the "Cowboy" (as he was affectionately known throughout the racing industry), Lucas Oil Speedway's Dan Robinson announced the inaugural "Cowboy Classic" to kick off the annual Show-Me 100 event over Memorial Day weekend.